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Former employee of Russian "troll farm" on special counsel indictment
Watch Rosenstein’s full announcement of the indictment of 13 Russians
DOJ Russia Probe Points To Social Media Impact
Russian troll says he believes election meddling is true
Why is a Russian Troll Farm Being Compared to 9/11? (1/2)
Russian “Troll Farm” Worker Claims Russia Created Fake Sex Tape w/ Clinton Lookalike To Boost Trump
New Charges Show Russian Attacks On US Are Ongoing For 2018 | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
A look inside a Russian ‘troll factory’
Russians Targeted Mueller & Black Voters In Effort To Aid President Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Ex-Russian «troll» reveals the goal «to set Americans against their own government»
Investigators: Russian trolls set up fake groups to organize real activists
Robert Mueller testifies before Congress (part 2)